[Main Media] [Events] Annual meeting

Annual meeting: our market views and strategic choices

Published on
29 January 2021

During our exclusive digital event, our Investment team shared our market views as well as some of our key investment strategies. Here are the main highlights, where you can learn more on our vision and how it translates into practice.

Video with Raphael Gallardo, Chief Economist

Dive into our short- and mid-term market views alongside potential risks to this macroeconomic scenario.

Interview Frédéric Leroux, Head of Cross Asset

Where are we headed in 2021 and is too much good news, bad news?

Conversation with Rose Ouahba, Head of Fixed Income & David Older, Head of Equities

  • How to find yield in the rising rate environment and capture opportunities across sectors and regions?

  • What are the winning thematics within the equity universe, especially for the post-Covid scenario?

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