Carmignac manages a range of funds across equity, fixed income, diversified and alternative asset classes with different geographical focuses and target outcomes.
The range of funds we offer is deliberately focused on what we believe can deliver the best outcomes for clients, on what we know best.
From its inception until today, our fund range has evolved with our long-term market convictions and is composed of complementary strategies:
Often innovation is perceived as launching new funds regularly and that follow the latest trend.
For us it is precisely the opposite. We take our time to test and fine-tune our convictions.
We target lasting trends rather than fashions.
Innovation at Carmignac is about launching the right products for our clients and at the right time. It’s about broadening the investment universes of our funds, equipping them with the best tools to seize greater investment opportunities on behalf of our clients.
We give ourselves the means to be innovative thanks to our in-house strategy incubator called the Lab. Typically, before presenting a new fund to our investor base we first test it out in the lab. This allows us to try out new strategies in real market conditions with our own capital.
Once in the lab, the new product is constantly monitored and adjusted if needed. Only until we are fully confident in its ability to deliver long-term value to our clients do we bring it to the market.